Crop Production and Yield Forecasts

Crop Production and Yield Forecasts
Barchart’s enhanced yield and production forecasts, now powered by Planet's advanced satellite data, provide daily updates accessible via API or within cmdtyView, Barchart's premier solution for market intelligence, analysis, and risk management. The improved model offers national and state levels as well as county-level estimates.
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County-Level Data

Gain enhanced access to accurate local yield and production estimates near your primary facilities through our county-level data available via API or cmdtyView Pro.

Partnership with Partnership with Planet

By leveraging Planet's data, Barchart can now provide measurements with improved accuracy of US soil conditions and yield throughout the growing season.

Build Pricing Models

With forecast data that is ahead of the curve you can build robust pricing models for futures. Combine with our basis forecasts to customize a crop marketing strategy.

Crop Production Forecasts

These forecasts are available exclusively.
For access to US Crop Production Forecasts, please contact us directly.
Instrument Symbol Value Unit Change % Change Date*
CA Wheat, Spring Production Forecast ZWDACA-BIW.CM 918 M bu 0 +0.02% 11/21/23
CA Wheat, Spring Yield Forecast ZWYACA-BIW.CM 48.11 bu/ac +0.01 +0.02% 11/21/23
CA Wheat, Spring Area Harvested Forecast ZWHACA-BIW.CM 19.08 M ac 0 0% 11/21/23
CA Corn Production Forecast ZCDACA-BIW.CM 592 M bu -18 -3.07% 11/21/23
CA Corn Yield Forecast ZCYACA-BIW.CM 157.93 bu/ac -4.86 -3.07% 11/21/23
CA Corn Area Harvested Forecast ZCHACA-BIW.CM 3.75 M ac 0 0% 11/21/23
CA Soybean Production Forecast ZSDACA-BIW.CM 254 M bu +4 +1.61% 11/21/23
CA Soybean Yield Forecast ZSYACA-BIW.CM 45.51 bu/ac +0.73 +1.61% 11/21/23
CA Soybean Area Harvested Forecast ZSHACA-BIW.CM 5.59 M ac 0 0% 11/21/23
* Public crop production and yield estimates are provided twice monthly and represent only a small portion of our overall coverage. cmdtyView Pro and API subscribers can access daily updates for thousands of different prediction areas.
Instrument Symbol Value Unit Change % Change Date*
BR Corn Production Forecast ZCDABR-BIW.CM 108 M mt -2 -2.17% 04/16/24
BR Corn Yield Forecast ZCYABR-BIW.CM 5,313 kg/h -120.74 -2.27% 04/16/24
BR Soybean Production Forecast ZSDABR-BIW.CM 159 M mt +1 +0.66% 04/16/24
BR Soybean Yield Forecast ZSYABR-BIW.CM 3,511 kg/h +18.63 +0.53% 04/16/24
* Public crop production and yield estimates are provided twice monthly and represent only a small portion of our overall coverage. cmdtyView Pro and API subscribers can access daily updates for thousands of different prediction areas.
Instrument Symbol Value Unit Change % Change Date*
AR Corn Production Forecast ZCDAAR-BIW.CM 60 M mt 0 +0.05% 04/16/24
AR Corn Yield Forecast ZCYAAR-BIW.CM 8,271 kg/h +4.00 +0.05% 04/16/24
AR Soybean Production Forecast ZSDAAR-BIW.CM 52 M mt 0 -0.13% 04/16/24
AR Soybean Yield Forecast ZSYAAR-BIW.CM 2,574 kg/h -3.47 -0.13% 04/16/24
* Public crop production and yield estimates are provided twice monthly and represent only a small portion of our overall coverage. cmdtyView Pro and API subscribers can access daily updates for thousands of different prediction areas.

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